Still wondering how you can make your fortune with FHTM? Moms working at home with FHTM achieve their success by abandoning the old ways of thinking that they received from their previous training. I myself was guilty of trying to apply the old training to FHTM. It just doesn’t work.
FHTMs Work at Home Moms Sell Themselves
Unlike ordinary MLM training, FHTM work at home moms sell themselves, not their products. A huge part of what makes them successful is that they spend their marketing time building their reputations. With this approach, they prepare themselves for success selling whatever they choose to promote. The products they endorse sell because they believe in them.
FHTMs Work from Home Moms Don’t Waste Money
Buying lead lists and paying for hotel meetings are a waste of time and money. For me, every list I bought was colder than I was told. The hotel meetings were nice in regard to physically meeting people, but they never got me any better sales. Scrap these techniques, because they don’t add up to profits.
Jobs for Stay at Home Moms—Wrong Mentality
Thinking that working with FHTM is a job is the wrong mentality. “Jobs” for stay at home moms follow the “Just Over Broke” mentality. Every day with FHTM is an adventure. Every product you endorse is the best thing ever. You don’t work, you play. This will all be conveyed in your attitude, and having a “J.O.B.” attitude isn’t a winning one.
Fortune Hi Tech Marketing—Chase the Dream, not Prospects
I don’t know about you, but bugging my family and friends and everyone I knew didn’t work for me. Fortune Hi Tech Marketing just doesn’t work that way. This belief plays into the “selling yourself not the product” concept that FHTM promotes. You can’t expect people who don’t know you to respond positively to the idea of becoming your downline. Friends and family can be even worse.
The big hats didn’t make it where they’re at by selling their products or the company. They got there because they sold themselves as being fabulously wealthy and knowledgeable. You can get there, and I’ll help you on the way.
Ellen Franzoso is a Certified Master in marketing and a network marketing expert earning in the top 1%. Ellen’s passion to see this industry thrive drives her to help dedicated people around the globe make money in network marketing the new way.
If you can demonstrate that you’re very serious about growing your downline and actually making money in network marketing, download Ellen’s report now and call her home office today to find out if you qualify for her help at (914) 941-5554.